The silent pull of Invisible Obsessions

What are they? Have you ever found yourself repeatedly checking your phone, even when you know there’s no new notification? Or perhaps you’ve caught yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media, even when you had a pressing deadline? Or bought cloths & gadgets when you don’t need them? These behaviours, while seemingly harmless, are manifestations of …

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Beyond Tactics: The Psychological Wiring Behind Every Decision

Have you ever wondered why some marketing strategies resonate with people while others fall flat? It’s not just about the tactics or the platforms. It’s about understanding the deep-seated psychology of how humans are wired. As entrepreneurs, this knowledge is our secret weapon. The Universal Wiring of Humans We all have it – that innate …

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Market and Marketing: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Picture this: You’re an entrepreneur, driven by the relentless pursuit of turning your vision into reality. You’ve identified a problem or a goal, and you’ve developed a product or service to address it. But there’s a catch – your target audience seems uninterested, and you’re left wondering where you went wrong. This is where the …

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Be Different

In this era of information overload, where we’re constantly bombarded with information and choices, standing out from the crowd is more important than ever. You must be unique to be memorable. Why is it Important? Well, think about it. In a crowded marketplace, “being different holds more value than simply being better.” While being better …

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