The Future of Remote Work: Unveiling the Top Trends for 2024

As we step into 2024, the landscape of remote work continues to evolve at a breathtaking pace. The traditional office setup is no longer the default, and new trends are reshaping the way we work. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve deep into the top trends that will define the future of remote work in …

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Books Notes “On death and dying” by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

A Reflection on Our Mortal Journey We all have lost someone or going to loose someone someday. This is a universal truth we all face. “Why do we fear death?” This provocative question sets the stage for for a deep dive into the multifaceted experiences of loss and the profound lessons they offer about life, …

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Overcoming Procrastination: Lessons from ‘Eat That Frog’ by Brian Tracy

An entrepreneur running on a large clock, trying to keep pace with the moving hands, in a metaphorical representation of racing against time Let me start with a question: Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and struggle to stay focused on important tasks as an entrepreneur? I bet you did. We all have a universal struggle …

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Sentiment Over Sense

Why We Buy What We Don’t Need? Have you ever found yourself buying yet another book, even when your bookshelf is already overflowing? You promise yourself that this will be the last one, but before you know it, you’re clicking that “Buy Now” button again. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, …

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Why We Blame Others for Our Failures? Have you ever found yourself pointing fingers at someone or something else when things didn’t go as planned? Perhaps you’ve blamed the market, the competition, or even your own team for a failed campaign. As marketers, understanding the psychology behind this blame game is crucial for connecting with …

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Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, there have been numerous instances where I believed in the existence of a hidden secret that could propel my path to success. For instance, In my tries to build a successful business I believed that there was a secret growth hack—a magic button that, when pressed, would skyrocket my business (We …

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Believe and Doubt

People need to believe they’ll eventually eliminate or solve a conflict otherwise they would not be present there in a particular market. Dilemma of Possibility to Probability: In the world of marketing, there’s a distinction between what’s achievable (possible) and what an individual believes they can achieve (probable). Even if a solution is possible, if …

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Have you ever found yourself at a crossroad in your entrepreneurial or carrier or academic journey, wondering if the path you’ve chosen is the right one? If you have, you’re not alone. Every human being, at some point, grapples with doubts and uncertainties. But what keeps us going, pushing through the challenges and setbacks? The …

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